Four Stroke Breath
to Build Intuition

Jupiter x Uranus Conjunction

 Sit in a comfortable position, bring the palms together, interlace the fingers except the index finger and cross the thumbs. Hold the hands in front of the face, slightly below your nose, index fingers pointing straight up. Look at the tips of your fingers through the 1/10th opening of your eyes.

Inhale in four powerful strokes through the mouth, exhale in one powerful stroke through the nose.

Continue the breath pattern for 16 minutes.

To End: Inhale and hold the breath. Put both arms straight out to the sides, palms facing upward. Hold the breath 20 seconds. Sit straight and tighten your spine as much as you can. Exhale.

Inhale deep, hold your breath again for 20 seconds as you stretch your arms horizontally and stretch your spine vertically. Make a T-square with your body. Exhale.

Inhale deep, open your fingers and make them like steel. Squeeze your entire energy and bring it into your arms. Hold 20 seconds the exhale and relax.