Full Moon in Gemini

Ganpati Kriya

Sitting with a tall spine, rest the back of your hands on your knees with the palms upward. Eyes are nine-tenths closed.

Chant the mantra "Sa Ta Na Ma, Ra Ma Da Sa, Sa Se So Hung" on a single breath, as you press the fingertips sequentially with each syllable. Starting with the index, then middle, ring and finally pinkie finger. Going through three cycles with each recitation of the mantra.

Use a monotone voice in a Tibetan-like form or use the same melody you would use for Kirtan Kriya.

Chant 11 minutes and slowly work up to 31 minutes.

To Finish: Stay in sitting, inhale and hold the breath for 20-30 seconds while you move every part of your body. Exhale. Repeat this sequence two more times to circulate the prana to every part of the body. Then sit in absolute calmness and concentrate on the tip of your nose for 1 minute.














Try either of this mantra tracks to guide you.



Solar Eclipse
in Libra

Meditation for the Arcline
and to Clear the Karmas

Sit in Easy Pose with the spine straight and the eyes closed. Relax the elbows down by the sides, and bring the forearms straight out in front of your body, palms slightly cupped and facing up a few inches above the knees.

Bring the arms up, back behind head, stretching the hands and arms as far back over the shoulders as you can. Imagine scooping water, and throwing it over your shoulders with a flick of the wrists. Make the movement smooth and graceful coordinating with rhythm of the music.

Chant the Mantra Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru, Wahe Jio. On each "Wa-hay Guroo," as well as on the "Wa-hay Jeeo," do one complete round—scooping up, throwing over your shoulders, and come back to the starting position.

Continue 11-31 minutes.

This meditation clears the Arcline that arches overhead from ear to ear. The Arcline can hold energy of past relationships and Karmas.



Full moon in Aries


Full Moon in Virgo Live-Stream Meditation

Monday 9/28 5:00PM-6:00PM MDT
Zoom & YouTube


Sat Kriya

Sit in Rock Pose: knees bent and together sits bones sitting on heels.

Reach the arms over the head with elbows straight. Interlace all the fingers except the index fingers. Traditionally men or male-identifying people cross the right thumb over the left, and women or female-identifying folks cross the left over right. Use whichever configuration feels right for you. Arms reach up straight up so the biceps come by the ears. Eyes are closed focusing at the point between to the two eyebrows.

Begin to chant "Sat, Naam" with a constant rhythm of about 8 times per 10 seconds. As you pull the navel in and up toward the spine, chant "Sat" from the Navel Point. Feel it as a pressure from the Third Chakra.

With the sound "Naam," relax the belly. The focus of the sound Naam at the Brow Point. As you continue in a steady rhythm, the root and diaphragm locks are automatically pulled.

The spine stays still and straight. This is neither a spinal flex nor a pelvic thrust. Remain firmly seated on the heels throughout the motions of the kriya.




Meditation for Developing Your Human Kindness

For extra potency, practice this within 48 hours before or after the alignment of the Full Moon in Virgo on Tuesday, March 7, 2023 5:40AM MST

Tune In: Chant “Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo” x 3

Sit in Easy Pose with your spine straight, chin in and chest lifted. Place your hands in the mudra.

Mudra: Rest your elbows alongside your rib cage. Place your hands in front of your chest, palms facing upward, with the two Mercury (pinkie) fingers touching and the outside part of the base of the palms touching. Keep the Sun (ring) fingers and the Jupiter (index) fingers straight and the thumbs pulled back. Touch the tips of the Saturn (middle) fingers so that they form a triangle. The mudra is held before the heart center in a comfortable, prayerful position, but it does not touch the chest.

Breath: Inhale through the nose in eight strokes (break the inhalation into eight equal segments with a slight pause separating each part so that there is a distinct beginning and end to each segment. In other words, you are inhaling in eight separate "sniffs." Each stroke is about one "nose length." You can feel the breath travel the length of the nose from the nostrils to the eyebrows. Each count of a stroke is about one second, so the eight stroke inhalation takes about eight seconds). Exhale completely and totally with a whistle through the puckered lips.


Full Moon in Virgo
Meditation & Gong

Sunday 3/5 6:15PM-7:45PM
YDM Meditation

More Information



Breath of Fire with Lion’s Paws
Reset the Brain’s Electromagnetic Field


For extra potency, practice this within 48 hours before or after the alignment of the Full Moon in Leo on Sunday, February 5th 11:28AM MST

Tune In: Chant “Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo” x 3

Sitting make both hands into Lion’s Paws: curl and tighten the fingers of each hand. Keep the tension in the hands throughout the exercise. Start with both arms out to the sides, parallel to the ground with the palms up. Then bring both arms up over the head so that the hands pass each other over the crown of the head. The elbows bend and the palms face down. Then bring the hands back down as you extend the arms out parallel to the ground again. Alternate which wrist is in front when they cross by each other over the head with a fast-paced rhythmic motion. Create a powerful breath with the motion of the arms. The breath is an inhale as the arms extend and an exhale as the arms cross over the head. The breath becomes a steady Breath of Fire.

Time: Continue for 9 minutes.

To End: Without breaking the pace of the exercise, stick the tongue out and down all the way. Continue for 15 seconds more. Then inhale, bring in the tongue and fix the arms at 60 degrees, so that they form an arc around the head with the palms facing down about six inches apart over the head. The hands are still in Lion’s Paws. Hold the breath for 15 seconds. Keep the arms fixed as you exhale and inhale completely. Then hold the breath for 30 seconds. Relax and let the arms down. Meditate at the Heart Center. Follow the gentle flow of the breath. Chant an inspiring and uplifting song.
Continue for 3-5 minutes.